= JavaScript Interview Questions = == Basic JavaScript == * Give a high level overview of how JavaScript interacts with the DOM. * What are some different ways that JavaScript code can be embedded into or linked into an XHTML page? * Are objects passed by value or by reference? Does the type of object matter? * Is JavaScript an object-oriented language? Why or why not? * What is your favorite way to debug JavaScript? * What is JSON? What are some common uses of JSON? * What is the difference between ''undefined'' and ''null''? * What does the ''isNaN()'' function do? * What will the following code do? function printMe() { var b = 5; alert (a+b); } var a = 3; var b = 2; printMe(); alert(a+b); * What is a ''for...in'' loop? * What is the difference between window.onload and onDocumentReady? Which are you (typically) more likely to use? * What are a few different ways to attach handlers (e.g. click, blur, etc.) to a DOM element? Are any better than the others? * What's unique about functions in JavaScript? (The answer you're looking for here is that they're first class objects; e.g. you can pass a function as an argument to another function, just like you could pass an object. Explore this concept with the interviewee to see how much they know.) * What's an anonymous function? * What is JavaScript namespacing? Why would you want to use it? == jQuery == * Basic: what is jQuery? * How do you select a DOM element (or elements) in jQuery? * What does it mean to chain functions in jQuery?