= Importing Apache (httpd) logs into MySQL = It can be rather nice to use the full power of MySQL to analyze your apache (httpd) web logs. You can write SQL queries against the logs, and discover all sorts of relationships (and problems!) that you might not otherwise find. This PHP script loads an apache combined-format log into a MySQL database. Download it, and then run it like this: php mysql_httpd_log_import.php -h localhost -d logs -t logdata -u root -p foobar -c < website_access_log.020809 Or run it without arguments to see all the command line options. php mysql_httpd_log_import.php **N.B.** If you improve this, please email me and I'll post the updated version. 0 && isset($cmdArgs['t']) && strlen($cmdArgs['t']) > 0)) displayUsage(); // connect to mysql database $dbHost = isset($cmdArgs['h']) ? $cmdArgs['h'] : ini_get("mysqli.default_host"); $dbUser = isset($cmdArgs['u']) ? $cmdArgs['u'] : ini_get("mysqli.default_user"); $dbPass = isset($cmdArgs['p']) ? $cmdArgs['p'] : ini_get("mysqli.default_pw"); $dbTable = $cmdArgs['t']; $dbName = $cmdArgs['d']; $mysqli = dbConnect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName); // check to see if we need to drop and/or create the table $quotedDbTable = dbQuoteIdentifier($mysqli, $dbTable, true); if (isset($cmdArgs['x'])) { $cmdArgs['c'] = true; // -x implies -c $queryResult = dbQuery($mysqli, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$quotedDbTable}"); } $quotedDbTable = dbQuoteValue($mysqli, $dbTable, true); $queryResult = dbQuery($mysqli, "SHOW TABLES LIKE {$quotedDbTable}"); if ($queryResult->num_rows != 1) { if(isset($cmdArgs['c'])) { dbCreateTable($mysqli, $dbTable); } else { die ("Database table '{$dbTable}' does not exist. Please rerun the script with the -c option to create it.\n"); } } // // STEP 2: COPY DATA INTO TAB-DELIMITED FILE // // open the temp CSV file for copying data $tmpFile = fopen(TMP_FILE, 'w'); // read each line of STDIN and process a log $checkDb = isset($cmdArgs['f']) ? false : true; while (!feof(STDIN)) { $line = fgets(STDIN); if (empty($line)) continue; $results = processLine($line); // check the first and last entries; print an error if something went wrong if (empty($results['fullString']) || empty($results['userAgent']) || !is_numeric($results['status'])) { echo "Error! Could not interpret line: ".$line; continue; } // convert entries to database format. NOTE: doing the timestamp conversion this way converts // each entry to the local timezone on the local box. Stupid MySQL doesn't support storing a timezone // with a timestamp, so we covert everything from the web server's timezone to the local box's timezone, // and store that. $results['date'] = str_replace('/', ' ', $results['date']); $logTimestamp = strtotime("{$results['date']} {$results['time']} {$results['timezone']}"); $sqlTimestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $logTimestamp); $results['bytes'] = is_numeric($results['bytes']) ? $results['bytes'] : '0'; // run a $mysqli->escape_string() on all the strings to put into the database. We don't want to use // dbQuoteValue(), because that also adds quotes, which the LOAD DATA command interepts litterally $remote_host = $mysqli->escape_string($results['remoteHost']); $ident_user = $mysqli->escape_string($results['identUser']); $auth_user = $mysqli->escape_string($results['authUser']); $timestamp = $mysqli->escape_string($sqlTimestamp); $method = $mysqli->escape_string($results['method']); $url = $mysqli->escape_string($results['url']); $protocol = $mysqli->escape_string($results['protocol']); $status = $mysqli->escape_string($results['status']); $bytes = $mysqli->escape_string($results['bytes']); $referrer = $mysqli->escape_string($results['referrer']); $user_agent = $mysqli->escape_string($results['userAgent']); // figure out if we should check the database for the first entry. This helps prevent // duplicates. Use -f to override if ($checkDb) { $quotedDbTable = dbQuoteIdentifier($mysqli, $dbTable); $sql = <<num_rows > 0) die("Skipping file; the first entry of this log file already appears to be stored in the database. Use -f to override.\n"); // check only the first row $checkDb = false; } $logString = "{$remote_host}\t{$ident_user}\t{$auth_user}\t{$timestamp}\t{$method}\t{$url}\t{$protocol}\t{$status}\t{$bytes}\t{$referrer}\t{$user_agent}\n"; fwrite($tmpFile, $logString); } fclose($tmpFile); // // STEP 3: COPY TAB-DELIMITED FILE INTO DB // // load data into database $quotedFile = dbQuoteValue($mysqli, TMP_FILE); $quotedDbTable = dbQuoteIdentifier($mysqli, $dbTable); $sql = <<close(); /******************************************************************************* ************************* INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ************************* *******************************************************************************/ /** * processLine(): processes a line of a log file, returning an associative array * with the component parts * * @param string $line the line of the log * @return array associative array of values from log file * */ function processLine($line) { $matches = array(); // process the string. This regular expression was adapted from http://oreilly.com/catalog/perlwsmng/chapter/ch08.html preg_match('/^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[([^:]+):(\d+:\d+:\d+) ([^\]]+)\] "(\S+) (.+?) (\S+)" (\S+) (\S+) "([^"]+)" "([^"]+)"$/', $line, $matches); if (isset($matches[0])) { return array('fullString' => $matches[0], 'remoteHost' => $matches[1], 'identUser' => $matches[2], 'authUser' => $matches[3], 'date' => $matches[4], 'time' => $matches[5], 'timezone' => $matches[6], 'method' => $matches[7], 'url' => $matches[8], 'protocol' => $matches[9], 'status' => $matches[10], 'bytes' => $matches[11], 'referrer' => $matches[12], 'userAgent' => $matches[13] ); } else { return array(); } } /** * displayUsage(): display a usage message and exit * */ function displayUsage() { $version = VERSION; echo << -t [options] < log_file_name -d The database to use; required -t
The name of the table in which to insert data; required -h The host to connect to; default is localhost -u The user to connect as -p The user's password -c Create table if it doesn't exist -x Drop the existing table if it exists. Implies -c -f Force load; skip the duplicate check. By default, the software exits if the first entry in a given file already exists in the database QQ; exit; } /******************************************************************************* ************************* DATABASE FUNCTIONS ************************* *******************************************************************************/ /** * dbConnect(): connect to the database * * @param string $dbHost * @param string $dbUser * @param string $dbPass * @param string $dbName * @return mysqli object * */ function dbConnect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName) { $mysqli = new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName); if ($mysqli->connect_error) die('DB Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') '. $mysqli->connect_error); return $mysqli; } /** * dbQuery(): queries the DB; exits on error * * @param mysqli $mysqli * @param string $query * @return result object * */ function dbQuery($mysqli, $query) { if (!$result = $mysqli->query($query)) die('DB Error (' . $mysqli->errno . ') '. $mysqli->error); return $result; } /** * dbQuoteValue(): quotes a value and makes it safe for inserting into * the database. Note this function DOES include surrounding quotes, but * only when necessary (e.g. O'Reilly will come back as 'O\'Reilly', while * 4.5 will come back as 4.5) * * @param mixed $value the value to be quoted * @param bool $alwaysQuote set to force a value to be surrounded by quotes, * no matter what type it is * @return mixed the $value, ready for insertion into the SQL database */ function dbQuoteValue($mysqli, $value, $alwaysQuote=false) { // check for magic quotes. these should just be off, so we throw an exception if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) die("magic_quotes_gpc is enabled. Please disable it.\n"); if(!$alwaysQuote) { if (is_null($value)) { return 'NULL'; } elseif (is_bool($value)) { return $value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; } elseif (is_numeric($value)) { return $value; } } return "'" . $mysqli->escape_string($value) . "'"; } /** * dbQuoteIdentifier(): Quotes a string so it can be safely used as a table or * column name * * @param mysqli $mysqli * @param string $value the identifier name to be quoted * @return string the quoted identifier * */ function dbQuoteIdentifier($mysqli, $value) { return '`' . $mysqli->escape_string($value) . "`"; } /** * dbCreateTable(): create the database table used to store log entries * * @param result $mysqli MySQLi result resource * @param string $tableName * */ function dbCreateTable($mysqli, $tableName) { $quotedTableName = dbQuoteIdentifier($mysqli, $tableName, true); $sql = <<