Table of Contents

Basic Guide to SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a wide and rather unscientific field which changes constantly. Nevertheless, it can be a key to unlocking huge traffic…and huge profits…for a website.


FireFox Extensions

Keyword Tools

Webmaster Tools


Good Resources

SEO is divided into two major parts: on-page SEO and off-page SEO.

On Page SEO

Duplicate Content

Time-Based Factors


Offsite SEO

Offsite SEO is even more powerful than onsite SEO, but a lot harder to accomplish.

Choosing Keywords

Specific Page Optimization

Monitoring Rankings

Targeting Search Engines: Google, Yahoo & MSN

There are three main search engines that you need to worry about. Google currently (April 2008) controls about 60% of the search engine market, so you should focus your efforts there. Yahoo is next, with about 20%. MSN/ is third, at about 10%. The rest (, AOL, etc. are too small to consider.)

Generally, techniques for the major engines are the same. However, there are some slight differences: